Jongwon Han


Research Advisor: Prof. Seongryong Kim

Thesis Title: Study on shear wave anisotropy (shear wave splitting) of Pohang area

Research Advisor: Prof. Kwang-Hee Kim

Thesis Title: Study on micro-seismicity of Pusan area


In Review & Preparation

Conference Abstracts


Academic Awards

Title: Seismic event and phase detection using deep learning for the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake sequence

Title: 한반도 국지 지진 데이터를 활용한 딥러닝 학습모델 구축 및 성능 비교 평가 

Title: The application of AI based seismic detection algorithm to temporary seismic network data of Gyeongju earthquake 

Field Work Experience

Current Research Topics

- earthquake detection, signal discrimination, polarity determination for focal mechanisms, earthquake de-clustering

- Signal clustering using DBSCAN, re-location using cross-correlation, template matching detection, b-value, stress-inversion, sheer wave splitting

- seismograph orientation corrections, magnitude determination

- University of Calgary (Co-adviser: Prof. Jan Dettmer)